How Fast Can a Bearded Dragon Run?

Bearded dragons are fascinating creatures, known for their unique appearances and docile nature. As reptile enthusiasts and pet owners, it’s important to understand their capabilities and behaviors. One aspect that often piques curiosity is the speed at which these creatures can run. In this article, we will delve into the topic of how fast a bearded dragon can run, exploring their physical abilities and shedding light on this interesting feat.

How Fast Can a Bearded Dragon Run?

Bearded dragons, despite their somewhat lumbering appearance, are surprisingly agile and can move at quite a decent pace. While their speed may not rival that of cheetahs or other fast-running animals, their short bursts of speed can be quite impressive.

The Average Running Speed

On average, a healthy adult bearded dragon can reach speeds of up to 9 miles per hour (14 kilometers per hour) when sprinting. However, it’s important to note that this speed can vary based on various factors, including the individual dragon’s size, age, and health. Younger bearded dragons, for instance, tend to be more energetic and may be able to reach slightly higher speeds.

Factors Affecting a Bearded Dragon’s Speed

  1. Size and Age: As mentioned earlier, size and age can play a significant role in a bearded dragon’s running speed. Younger dragons, being smaller and more agile, can often run faster than their larger, older counterparts.
  2. Health: The overall health and vitality of a bearded dragon also determine its speed. A well-nourished and properly cared-for dragon is likely to have better physical abilities, including faster running speeds.
  3. Environment: The environment in which a bearded dragon resides can also impact its speed. Dragons kept in spacious enclosures with optimal temperature and lighting conditions tend to have more opportunities for exercise, which can enhance their speed.

The Mechanics and Physiology Behind Their Speed

To comprehend the bearded dragon’s running speed, it’s essential to understand how their bodies enable this locomotion. Here are a few key factors:

  1. Muscular Legs: Bearded dragons possess muscular hind legs that provide the necessary power and propulsion for running. When sprinting, they utilize these strong muscles to generate force and move their bodies forward efficiently.
  2. Tail as a Balancing Mechanism: The long, muscular tail of a bearded dragon acts as a counterbalance, helping them maintain stability and control while running. It aids in quick direction changes and prevents tipping over when navigating obstacles.
  3. Joint Flexibility: The flexible joints in their legs and spine allow bearded dragons to adopt a wide range of movements while running. This flexibility contributes to their agility and ability to maneuver swiftly.

Understanding Bearded Dragon Behavior

While bearded dragons can certainly run at impressive speeds, it’s important to remember that their behavior is largely influenced by their natural instincts. In their native habitats of Australia, they primarily rely on their camouflage and unique posture displays to defend themselves and avoid potential threats. Therefore, running is not their preferred mode of defense or escape. Bearded dragons are more likely to adopt a defensive posture or choose to hide when facing perceived danger.


Bearded dragons, with their unique appearances and gentle nature, captivate both reptile enthusiasts and owners alike. Understanding their physical abilities, such as their running speed, adds to our knowledge and appreciation of these remarkable creatures. While they may not break land-speed records, bearded dragons can still achieve relatively fast speeds for their size, showcasing their remarkable agility and adaptability. So, the next time you marvel at your bearded dragon’s leisurely stroll or playful sprint, remember that behind that relaxed demeanor lies a reptile capable of surprising bursts of speed.

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